libamsip  5.2.1
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 am_call.hAmsip session API
 am_codec.hAmsip codec API
 am_event.hAmsip event API
 am_filter.hAmsip internal filters API
 am_message.hAmsip messaging API
 am_network.hAmsip network API
 am_options.hAmsip init API
 am_player.hAmsip player API
 am_publish.hAmsip publication API
 am_register.hAmsip registration API
 am_sdpsession.hAmsip sdpsession API
 am_service.hAmsip service API
 am_subscribe.hAmsip outgoing subscription API
 am_text_codec.hAmsip codec API
 am_udpftp_codec.hAmsip codec API
 am_version.hAmsip version definition file
 am_video_codec.hAmsip codec API